José Luis Cisneros
Alan García Huitron
Degree in Criminology and Criminalistics by the College of University Studies (CLEU). He holds a Diploma in Criminology and Criminal Policy from the National Institute of Criminal Sciences (INACIPE) and in the History of Economic Thought by the Interactive Museum of Economics (MIDE).
Other relevant qualifications
Currently, he is a Research Assistant at INACIPE, Professor of Criminology at CLEU I, and Professor-Researcher at the Institute of Transdisciplinary Criminological Studies (IECRIMT). He is currently a Master of Human Rights and Democracy at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) .
Indicators of Esteem
He is the author and co-author of more than 20 books, book chapters and articles, including "The phenomenon of human trafficking. Analysis from the criminal sciences and draft reform to the current law "; "The security policy in Mexico. Evaluation and Reflections from Critical Criminology ", and" Social Prevention of Violence and Crime. Analysis of the theoretical models. "He has participated in more than 60 lectures with the theme of Criminal and Social Sciences in different Universities and Institutes. He has also participated in more than 20 investigations, some of them, as coordinator in projects of social crime prevention and violence, carrying out community intervention, as well as evaluations of programs and projects.